Tarot in the Time of covid - are video readings as good as in-person?
Like many of us … I’m living in a covid bubble which includes close friends and family, a few long-time clients and students … and that’s about it. If you’re wondering about whether a video reading is as good as in-person … the short answer is YES.
In the “before times” I preferred to read in-person, but found video readings were a close second. For Vedic Astrology, Zoom readings may be better because I can screen share … so you can see all your charts just as I see them.
For Tarot, I’ve found Facetime and Zoom are pretty much as good as in-person … with the right set-up.
If an intuitive arts practitioner doesn’t have good equipment or doesn’t know how to use it … the reading may suffer. Nine months into various stages of quarantine and hearing from friends who got covid or even lost a loved-one … I’m getting pretty used to reading on-line and am always improving my gear to make sure clients have a great experience.
Tarot is visual. The right set-up means you can really see your cards and take-in the symbolism. It’s also psychic. I do all the same purifications I would do for in-person readings like lighting incense, candles and clearing the space.
And sometimes the cats help.
I wanted to share these photos of my reading space with you so you feel assured your video reading is done with professional gear in a purified, private environment with no distractions.
Here’s my reading room set-up for Tarot on Facetime. For Vedic Astrology, I use the desktop
Zoe helping with a tarot reading