Don't miss this RARE chance to see ALL FIVE PLANETS with your naked eye: JUNE 24, 2022
I'm back from India and wish you a Happy Summer Solstice.
I wanted to let you know about a RARE CONJUNCTION of all five visible planets that reaches peak visibility on JUNE 24! It's a rare phenomenon to see all five visible planets at once - made especially meaningful by a unique arrangement of the planets and moon.
This is an unusual opportunity to see SATURN / SHANI as well as a rare alignment. The planets have lined-up in order of distance from the sun. The waning crescent moon placed between Venus and Mars gives us a "proxy Earth". This unique configuration connects us to the ancient astronomers who worshiped Ourania, Muse of astronomy, and ancient Sages like Parashara.
Peak time to see all five "visible" planets: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn is during the early morning hours. In California, just before dawn. Check local conditions for your area. Scroll down for a Navgraha mantra that honors all the planets
This June is special. The planets will be far enough from Sol that we can see each of them in their own splendor, but close enough that we can see them without a telescope. It’s a coincidence that the planets have arranged themselves in order, but their formation serves as a helpful diagram of traditional vedic astrology. These five planets (along with the Sun and Moon) are the seven bodies of classical astrology and planetary rulership.
Navgraha Mantra for the Nine Planets
(Sun, Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu.
Adityaya Somaya Mangalaya Bhudayacha Guru Shukra Shanibhyasch Rahaveh Ketave Namaha
Wishing you all the blessings of the Nav Graha,
Ourania, Muse of Astronomy