Posts in vedic astrology
Precession of the Equinox & Astrology

Many peope are puzzled by the difference between Western Tropical Astrology and Vedic Sidereal Astrology. Although both systems use the same 12 signs (Aries, Taurus, Gemini, etc.) modern calculations show a difference in the date ranges of the signs. For example, by the Tropical Zodiac, the month of Aries is approximately March 21 - April 20. The sidereal dates for Aries month are approximately April 14 - May 14.

This difference arises from a phenomenon called Precession of the Equinox.

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2025 Planetary Transits - Major Energetic Shift

In 2025, you can expect to experience some major energetic shifts as all the slow moving planets change signs this year. Most of these changes happen in spring of 2025, with Saturn, Jupiter and the Lunar Nodes, Rahu & Ketu, all changing signs. Mercury’s retrogrades in Water Signs gives subtle support for resurfacing and purifying repeating emotional patterns in your life.

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January 23, 2021 - Rahu Ketu Archetypes in Tarot: Vedic Astrology & European Alchemy

How did the alchemists and astrologers of Renaissance Europe view Rahu and Ketu? In this on-line class we’ll explore the fascinating parallels between Jyotish, European alchemy, and Tarot.

January 23, 2021 - Rahu Ketu Archetypes in Tarot: Vedic Astrology & European Alchemy for Komilla Sutton’s Sixth Annaul Fresh Talents of Jyotish conference.

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Rahu-Ketu, the Karmic Axis, 2020 Planets in Retrograde, World Healing Mantra

As an astrologer with very little toilet paper I’ve often wondered - could I have predicted the Covid crisis? With 2020 hindsight, it makes perfect sense that the crisis arose when Rahu, significator of diseases, was extremely strong in the Nakshatra of Ardra.

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