Posts tagged tarot
2025 Planetary Transits - Major Energetic Shift

In 2025, you can expect to experience some major energetic shifts as all the slow moving planets change signs this year. Most of these changes happen in spring of 2025, with Saturn, Jupiter and the Lunar Nodes, Rahu & Ketu, all changing signs. Mercury’s retrogrades in Water Signs gives subtle support for resurfacing and purifying repeating emotional patterns in your life.

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The Temperance Card, Dopamine, and Buddhist Philosophy

I recently listened to a series of talks about the neurotransmitter dopamine and the concept of dopamine fasting. Dopamine plays a role in pleasure and pain, motivation and apathy, attention and indifference. The brain seeks equilibrium which is why we humans can come to crave dopamine almost like an addiction … Buddhism teaches not to rejoice in pleasure or despair in suffering, but rather to accept all experiences from a place of equilibrium. The principles of balance and equilibrium are elegantly illustrated in Tarot’s Temperance card …

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