Misteri dei Tarocchi© Module 2.3 - July 11, 2020 (Continuing Students)

Misteri dei Tarocchi© Module 2.3 - July 11, 2020 (Continuing Students)


Misteri dei Tarocchi© Module 2.3 CLASS - continuing students
Class meets in Ventura on Saturday July 11, 2020, from 3:00p - 6:30.
On-line option via Facetime or Zoom.
Misteri dei Tarocchi Module 2.3:
Jumping Time-lines with Tarot & Astrological Yogas

Module 2.3 of Misteri dei Tarocchi complete Tarot Course.

It’s the final module of the course. Suitable for Intermediate-Advanced students

 Jumping Timelines with Tarot:
Accurately predicting when events are likely to occur is one of the most satisfying and useful aspects of Tarot. In this class we’ll combine Tarot with its sister-science Astrology to predict date-ranges. We’ll also learn purely Tarot-based methods to predict the timing and pace of events. By the end of class you’ll know how to:

·      Use the pips to predict date ranges

·      Use the Courts to predict the pacing of events and trajectory of cycles

·      Use the Aces as seasonal significators

·      Identify timing cards within the Celtic Cross spread

·      Use a spread specifically for timing and pull clarification cards for timing

 Astrological Yogas:
The final module of the Card Yogas© system. You’ll learn:

·      How to identify and interpret astrological relationships between cards in a spread

·      Astrological relationships between the Majors and Minors

·      Using astrological yogas to create intentional manifestation spreads

***NEW STUDENTS*** please purchase this $78 option to receive class + PDF files for 3 Modules.

**CONTINUING STUDENTS** purchase this class which includes the PDF manual.

**ONLINE STUDENTS** attend via Zoom or Facetime

Each class sold separately:
Module 2.1 Tarot Spreads & Reading Techniques.
Module 2.2 Card Yogas©
Module 2.3 Jumping Timelines with Tarot

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